Friday, April 15, 2011

Heal The World

I guess most of us wake up nowadays wondering if our world is still a better place to live in.  What with lots of people dying, many uselessly, and those babies, who have not yet seen the light of day, aborted, for whatever reasons.  Makes us really wonder.  What is our world getting into?

Everyday that we wake up, there must be hope.  Most of us are still motivated to make it a brighter day, not only for us but for everyone we get in contact with.  If only we act on this motivation, we can really heal our world and make it a better place for you, for me, and specially the children.

Yes, precisely the message of the song, 'HEAL THE WORLD", which was my motivating thought when I woke up this morning.

GOD Loves us.

Vir pro aliis ad maiorem DEI gloriam..

Bobby Mendiola

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