Sunday, July 20, 2008

Faith Matters

  • GOD so loved His creations that when His human beings went from GOOD to bad, He sent His SON, Jesus Christ to become human, to Lead us back to GOOD by showing us the way.
  • JESUS CHRIST redeemed and saved ALL humankind through His Life, death on the Cross, and His Resurrection.
  • Upon the consummation of His Saving Mission, He ascended back to GOD. Henceforth, JESUS CHRIST enabled ALL of us to pass over to Eternal Life to be in Communion with GOD and the Saints.
  • Thereafter, the HOLY SPIRIT descended on us ALL to inspire, guide, and motivate us to live according to JESUS CHRIST'S example, and, protect us from temptations towards evil thoughts and actions.
  • The manifestations of the Holy Spirit's guiding and protecting ways are the distressful and anxious feelings we experience whenever we entertain temptations / occasions to sin.
  • We feel frustrated and disconcerted after every bout of sinning - the manifestation of guilt. The protecting and guiding ways of the Holy Spirit motivate us to go back to GOOD, through GOD'S Grace. (GOD'S consistent & UNCONDITIONAL Love)
  • Always, when we are living according to GOD'S Ways, we experience peace, contentment, and fulfillment. Whenever we succeed in getting out of sinful / bad situations, we feel the peace, contentment, and fulfillment. But, whenever we succumb to evil temptations, we grapple with anxiety, stress, and discontent.
  • True Redemption, through GOD'S Graces, from sinful ways bring back the peace, contentment, & fulfillment in us >>> true happiness!

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